Perspectives to Enjoy Your Life (Regardless of the Circumstances)
I’m loving the Master Class Podcasts that Oprah puts on. She speaks with a cool range of people, keeping each interview intriguing and different. Every person shares their life journey, connecting the dots with the specific opportunities and circumstances which has lead to their success.
I love it because as you listen to each accomplished person, you realize that you can plan all you want, yet ultimately life inserts and throws in the curve balls that create the ride of your life.
Sometimes these “curve balls” are disguised as tragedies, love stories, illness or great opportunities. We don’t get to pick the form, but we do get to choose how we respond to what’s placed in our path.
I recently listened to the podcast that featured Susan Sarandon, an academy award winning actress. I found myself enamored with her whole story as it appears that she has mastered the art of flowing with her life. I believe that when you dance with life vs. white knuckling it according to your plan, you create the space for limitless and beautiful things to present themselves.
Here’s a piece of the conversation that really spoke to me.
“I think when you’re going through life, you have to be open about the framing of what you want. I mean, in a way, I’m here because all my plans failed and I say that kiddingly, but it’s true. I think that the thing that has served me the best has been flexibility and being able to adapt and… to have an idea of going somewhere, but when something crosses my path, having the ability and the sense to go “Oh, you know, maybe, actually, that’s a better direction.”
I think you have to listen to your heart and not think that there’s a rational way to plan out your life because life isn’t rational. You can never be safe. You can never be sure. In love. In life. In your profession…. ”
I love this quote because it speaks to the rational sense that we all have ingrained within us. This sense can serve us and, at times, can absolutely get in the way. The reality is that sometimes life and the path toward that thing that really lights us up doesn’t make much sense. There’s an irrational plan that might not spark your interest and in that case your work is to listen to your inner intuition and turn away from what’s not calling you. Alternatively, life will also present the opportunities that don’t make rational sense, yet something within our hearts cannot stop thinking about them. Those things that linger within, become louder with time and the thought of it unfolding lights you up; Those are the things that lead to fascinating places.
The story that unfolds when one follows that kind of a pull intrigues me. It’s often what leads to the mind blowing realities of life. The real good stuff.
Because you went, you found that love. Because you followed that inner voice, you stumbled upon your passion. Because you decided to listen to yourself, you find yourself living a life that you choose and feel peaceful about. In my opinion, these are the rich and fulfilling aspects of life.
Showing up curious and brave enough to step toward the unknown is always greatly rewarded when well intentioned.
We all have different needs and wants based on our specific life circumstances. We, also, all have specific desires that whisper and call us. My hope is that you pay attention and listen to that inner guidance.
What would it mean for you to become curious about that voice and pay attention to what it’s saying?
If anything, allow the desire to be present. Do your best to acknowledge it. Trust that life has a really interesting way of showing up and sprinkling in opportunities and people when we remain open and allowing.
“If you’re too sure of everything; that’s death. What’s been great about my life is that I haven’t seen any of it coming.”
Cheers to the adventure.
Above image is by photographer, Amy Lynn Bjornson.