What Does "Following Your Truth" Mean? (Breaking It Down)
(*If you haven't read Part 1, you might want to check out the previous post as this blog is a continuation of that.)
If you’re playing smaller than you’re meant to in this life, I have some ideas that are designed to give you new energy and perspectives. Fresh perspectives can help us clear out old noise in order to bring in the new.
Your new mantra: No more playing small; Start going after what you want.
Below find the steps to hone in order to cultivate the life you want:
Acknowledge It
Acknowledge it. Be aware of what you're doing. Own that you've gotten into a habit of playing small.
Do your best to be self aware, yet patient and kind to yourself. Remember; You are where you are in your life, which is not wrong, it just is. Your story and thoughts around where you are is what’s either working for you and bringing joy to your experience or not. You’re always attracting from where you're at, so if your idea about where your life is at in this moment is negative, yup, you guessed it, you're bringing more of that vibe toward you.
Practicing acceptance and refraining from judging your current reality will push you out of a critical space and into a flow of movement. It always helps me to reflect on the perspective that life is not about getting to a specific destination. It’s a journey. When we can own where we’re at and find peace with our situation, organically, opportunities, people and things have a way of coming into our experience.
Make a Choice
Making a clear decision to tend to and face an area of your life that has been under the radar is a feat in itself. It’s a game changer. Any time that we make a clear choice in life is powerful.
“To decide and pick something is to move out of indecision, which brings flow and change. Choosing to face an area of your life that you’ve been avoiding will lead to change, simply because you’re giving it energy”
It’s like anything that’s been neglected and starts receiving attention: It will begin to grow, thrive, blossom and has the platform to live up to it's full potential. Allowing the blood to start pumping back into an area of your life that you’ve been neglecting will bring new opportunities toward you. It all starts with a clear decision.
Use your Triggers for Momentum
Every person coming into your life presents you with an opportunity to learn, especially the people that trigger you. As I've mentioned before, very often when someone triggers us, there can be something that their behavior is reflecting for us to do some inner work with. By asking self reflective questions you switch the focus off the other person and make the trigger about your opportunity to understand YOU, not them, and in doing so you can become more self aware.
If you’ve been in the habit of hiding and avoiding, allowing yourself to partake in some “freshening up” in order to clear out the noise that's been holding you back is a must do. Some life moments require freshening up in order for you to reset and feel better. Doing what you need to do for yourself to clean up your energy and clear out bad vibes is so empowering. Tap into what that looks like for you. Do you need to workout, eat healthy, adjust your sleeping schedule, lay off alcohol, go to yoga, find your chi, talk with a close friend, get submerged in nature, go surf? The point is: Do your thing. Do the things you need to do for yourself in order to feel good. Only you know what those things are. Go after them.
Own your Way
There’ s no script or right way in life. Own the way your life is going based on the choices that you’ve made. Be weary of regrets. You made choices in your past based on who you were in that specific time and space in your life. It’s common for us to look back and see our decisions differently from our perspective in the now, although, trusting that your life is leading you in some sort of direction is important to feel more at peace. Practice feeling good about where you’re at in your life now. It's okay to want things that you don’t have.........yet. It’s also important to focus on what you have versus your perceived lack of what you don’t have in order to find peace in the now. Own what's happening in your experience now. Trust it.
Have Fun
Give yourself a break and trust the process. Relax. Have fun. Get out of your head and into your body and heart.
If you generally find that you have a fixed perspective, do your best to get out of your own way by loosening up and staying open to new ways of being. Practice saying “Yes” to something you would normally say “No” too. Try something new without thinking so hard about it and planning it out. Just go. Just do. Get caught up in the excitement of something and be aware of when logic pops in and begins tearing down an idea. Laugh, flow, allow, loosen and be in this temporary moment of your life. Let go and have fun. The power of fun and play is totally underrated in this adult life. Tap back into it.
No more hiding from the things you want and desire for yourself. My intention with this post was to offer you some ways to “try on” in order for you to come out and be seen. There are people waiting to experience you. Life has opportunities and possibilities waiting for you, but you have to dust off and appear before they can show up.
* The above image was taken by San Diego Photographer, Renata Amazonas.