Kim Egel

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10 Tips to Help You Become More Present

I hesitated to write a blog post about becoming “more present” because I know it’s a phrase that’s said often within the world of self help. We all know that we “should” be more present, yet how do we get more present?

Honing the art of being present is a key factor toward living a life that’s fulfilling and rich with meaningful connection.

Here are 10 reminders and practices to partake in so you can start living more in the moment in this fast past world.

1. Establish a Morning Routine

A morning routine does so many spectacular things: It sets a solid foundation for your day, gives you time to prioritize, allows you time to establish healthy habits and creates time for intentions. Yes, this might mean that you have to get up earlier to create the space for your specific morning rituals. I know that’s not very enticing, but all I can say is that it will be worth it and I swear by having a morning ritual.

I recently heard a statement that said something along the lines of, “It’s been studied that individuals with morning routines are, generally, more successful within their lives than individuals who don’t partake in one.” That’s a complete reframe of what I heard, but I can see how that’s so true.

Whether it’s a morning meditation, journal time, stretching, sitting in silence, doing some yoga, a morning routine that’s a consistent practice will help keep you grounded.

2.  Learn the Art of Efficiency

When we’re efficient with our time and energy, we’re able to see, with more clarity, what’s not serving us. We’re also gifted with more time to put toward the very things that we enjoy. Hallelujah!

3. Be Here Now

Remind yourself that your life is NOW. Right now. What you do with this moment is creating what will happen in the future. The symptom that you will experience when you dwell in the past is depression. The symptom that you will experience when you’re living in the future is anxiety. In order to avoid getting trapped in the past or future is to practice the art of living in the now; the present. 

In terms of the past, that my friend, has already been written and your job is to close that chapter in order to move on and have a fresh perspective to support anything that pops into your experience now. So often, we become stuck and tainted by what happened back in the day. We drag those memories into our present and taint our life with “what was” and how it used to be.

Learning to BE HERE NOW will create so many more possibilities for you and more joy.

4. Thought Stopping

A psychological tool used to reduce anxiety while cultivating more awareness in the moment is called thought stopping. Yup, it’s pretty much what it sounds like. It’s the skill of becoming aware of when you’re thinking about something that’s causing worry, mental weight or discomfort and learning to release the thought then and there.

Just. Like. That.

As you practice thought stopping, over time you’ll notice that you’re having less intrusive thoughts that are carrying you away to never never land.

5. Engage in People, Places and Things that Capture Your Attention

If it doesn’t bring you joy and it doesn’t fill you up, why keep going toward it?

Sometimes we continue to go toward something that’s giving us nothing, or even worse, depleting our energy force because we “made a commitment.” I honor a commitment, although sometimes saying no is the right answer for your well being. Sometimes we continue to engage in negative things because we feel guilty for saying “No.” Recognizing what doesn’t serve you and allowing yourself to say No, if that’s your truth, will lead more time for the things that you want to say “Yes” too.

6. Stop Over Scheduling

I know, life is busy. I’m not doubting that. When you take a step back and allow yourself to be more selective with what you’re choosing to engage in, your schedule has the chance to become more manageable. Over scheduling leads to a lot of time racing around “trying” to make it all happen, which creates exhaustion and showing up half full. Learn to schedule your life in a way where you can enjoy, breath and really experience the events that you’re signing up for.

7. Strengthen The Mind Body Connection

Keeping your mind/body connection strong requires you to stay in tune with your physicality.  Focusing on your physical body is a great way to practice presence. Paying attention to the beating of your heart, the rhythm of your breath and taking note of any aches or pains within your body are great ways to strengthen the mind/body connection. Tactics like body scans are great for reconnecting your mental and physical realms. Meditations or visualizations that walk you through a body scan and bring attention to your physical body can be really beneficial to tap you back into your body.

8. Create A Healthy Relationship with Social Media

A quick way to take yourself out of the present is to become locked in on what someone else is doing or saying on social media. I get it. It’s how many of us communicate and receive our information that answers the questions of what, who, when and where. Pay attention to how you can be using your phone to disconnect from being present within your own life. Notice if going to your phone is a gut instinct when you have any sort of downtime. Start paying attention to how dependent you might be on looking at your phone rather than taking in the moments of your life. 

9. Focus Babe, Focus

I think we all have experienced being in conversation or around someone whose mind is just not with us. I understand if you can validate how multi tasking is your thing. That’s awesome and probably serves you very well in this rushed world. Although, giving your full listening ear to another human being while offering them the respect of your attention is just kind. Being present in your relationships is how you’ll cultivate and keep valuable connections. We all want to feel heard and like someone is listening to us when we’re in their presence. If you make any change toward practicing becoming more present, this is a big one babe!

10. Practice The Art of Doing Nothing

That’s right, do nothing friends. Recently I was laid out due to an injury that took away a lot of my mobility. At first I fought against my body, but after a coupe of days, I surrendered to being injured and actually appreciated the reality of not being able to do much. Within the quiet space inside is where anxiety and stress can settle without being activated with the next task or noise from the outside.

I hear so many people state, “I just can’t sit still.” Honing the art of being present is being able to sit still, slow down and become more quiet. I want to honor my go-getters out there, and I also believe that if you’re a “go go go” person you have to be mindful of the concept of balance, which would mean that you also need to “be, be be” at times to counter act your fast pace.

So, there it is. If anything, I’m hoping this post was a reminder to stop a little more, focus on the human connection before you instead of your phone, accept where you are in your life rather than stressing about the future or dwelling on the past.

Be here now, friends. It’s a much better experience when you drop into the present moment and live for today.

*Above image is by Photographer Amy Lynn Bjornson.

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